Bulk update

From time to time a company will change the name of a plan but keep the same contract-plan-segment code. If this is the case for policies you have in the system that are saved under the old name, you can easily update all of those to the new naming schema.

  1. Click your profile picture or initials at the top right corner of the screen and click "Settings".

  2. From the settings page find the "Policies" section.

  3. Find the button on the top that says "Plan Name Changes" and click.

  4. Click "Check my policies"

We keep a database set of known plan name changes and if you have policies in the system that have undergone a plan name change they will be listed here displaying the new plan name as well.

Click the "Convert" button to perform the operation.

You can also click "See History" to view any changes you have made and also revert the action if necessary