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Using report data in the CRM

When you push report data from MediZues to MedicarePRO a few things happen.

  1. We look at the "current plan" that member is enrolled in from the report and compare it to the policies you have saved for the member on their profile page. If the plans match, we take no action. If the plans DO NOT match then we flag this record.

  2. We look at the "future plan" (if any) that member is pending an enrollment in from the report and compare it to the policies you have saved for the member on their profile page. If the plans match, we take no action. If the plans DO NOT match then we flag this record.

  3. We also look to see if the report says this member is deceased. If that is the case and you do not have that profile marked as such then we flag the record.

Managing report data

Once you push data from MediZues to MedicarePRO and if a records get flagged, through any of the methods above, your dashboard will display a banner notifying you about unresolved enrollment reports. When you click this it will bring up the a panel where you can manage the data. Here are a few things you can do.

Current Plan / Future Plan

All records that don't match the "Current Plan" or "Future Plan" will show up in this section. From here you can do a few things.

  1. Add Plan - If you are the agent of record on the plan returned from the report but you didn't add the policy to the profile by chance, you can click "Add Plan" and it will create that policy on the profile with you as the agent of record.

  2. Mark as Inactive - After looking at the report you determine that the current plan the member is on is definitely not something you wrote then you can click "Mark Inactive". This will make the profile status "Inactive Client" and also make all policies listed on their account as status: Canceled"

  3. Flag - Alternatively, if you don't really know what to do in the moment or if you want to put these contacts on a "list" you can flag them. This will allow you to assign a particular flag to this profile and then you can run a report for all contacts who have this flag. You might want to send a blast email or letter or something nifty

  4. Dismiss - If you do not want to take any action on this record, for whatever reason, you can click "Dismiss" and it will remove the record from an "unresolved" to "resolved" state and be removed from your list.


If you pushed a record from the CRM to MediZues and the report comes back indicating that the MBI is not valid, we will flag this as well, here are a few things you can do to those records

  1. Flag

  2. Dismiss


If a record has a status of Deceased will will display this record in the "Deceased" section, here are a few things you can do.

  1. Mark as Deceased - This will change the profile status to "Deceased" and also mark all policies on the account as "Canceled"

  2. Flag

  3. Dismiss

Add Plan

Mark Inactive

Mark Deceased



Current Plan





Future Plan









