Getting set up

To connect CurrentClient to the CRM you will follow these steps.

1. Log into CurrentClient and navigate to the dashboard

2. On the top right of the navigation bar, click on the 'gear' icon and then click on 'Settings'

3. Once in Settings, click on "Connectors" on the left side bar

4. Once in Connectors, click on 'Add Connector" and select the MedicarePro CRM option

5. Navigate to your MedicarePro CRM settings, go to your integrations and connect CurrentClient to obtain an API Token

6. Navigate back to CurrentClient, and put the api token you created in MedicarePro inside the CurrentCLient form input

7. Optionally, you can add a filter based on Client Status to limit which clients will be synced to CurrentClient

8. Continue the process to create this connector

9. Once created, click on 'CRM Sync' on the left side of the page

10. Once in CRM Sync settings page, you will select the connector you just created and enable the sync and save

Nice job! CurrentClient will now bring over your clients information automatically.