Make a ClientPortal

The Client Portal section of your settings page allows you to create as many portal versions as you need. The idea is to create portals that match the type of client/prospect you are sending it to. For example, you might make a Medicare focused portal that asks for drug, provider and pharmacy data and also asks the individual to sign a scope of appointment form. On the other hand, you might have a portal version that is designed around an ACA client/prospect that asks for income, citizen status and dependent information and also asks the individual to sign consent forms. In the following guide we will go through how to create these portal versions.

  1. Click your initials or profile picture at the top right corner of the screen and click "Settings".

  2. From your settings page find and click the "Client Portal" tab on the left hand side.

  3. Once you are in the Client Portal section you can view and edit your portals, or to make a new portal click the + icon at the top right corner.

  4. A new Client Portal modal will pop-up. Let's go through the various steps.

Drafting a new Client Portal version

Portal Name - Give your portal a name that describes it's intended application, i.e. "Medicare Portal"

Selecting data fields - Go ahead and toggle on the data sections you want the individual to fill out. Keep in mind, MedicarePro's ClientPortals will always display information that already exists on the profile page.

Move the order of the data fields - you can drag to move the data fields in the order you prefer.

Custom Greeting - The ClientPortal has a default greeting message that the individual will see. You can add your own custom greeting if you wish.

Default Disclosure - The default disclosure will have necessary CMS language. You can turn this off if you wish.

Portal is for new leads - If you turn this on, this ClientPortal version can be used as a lead intake form. Typically, the ClientPortal is sent to existing profiles in your CRM. This feature allows the ClientPortal to make NEW lead in your CRM.

Portal accent color - Chose a color that matched your branding. The ClientPortal will inherit the color that you chose.

Portal logo - You can upload a logo to brand your portal. Recommended.

Once you have saved your portal version you will be able to view your portal as if you were a client/prospect in the CRM. Once you hit "Preview" the system will load the portal based on the last individual you entered into the system. You will be able to automatically log in and navigate the portal.