Override toggle

If you are an agency with downline LOA agents then there are a few things to consider when setting up automations. Lets create an example..

Let's say your downline LOA agent has an automation set up that emails their clients on their birthday. You, as the top-level agent also have a birthday automation set up. By default, both of these automations will trigger... once for the LOA's automation and again for the top-level agents automation.

In the example above, this is probably not ideal. As the top-level agent, you can toggle "Can be Overridden" on your automations to prevent this sort of situation. With that toggle set to "Yes", the above example would then look like this. Clients who have a birthday in which the LOA agent has control over will get a single email from the LOA agent and "override" the top-level agents automation. However, if a client had a birthday that didn't belong to the LOA, that client would receive an email from the top-level agent.